Ping Locations

Benefits of Multiple Ping Locations

Choosing multiple ping locations is essential for accurate monitoring of your website or web service. By selecting various regions, you can ensure that your website is accessible and performing well for users worldwide. Some of the key benefits include:

Number of Ping Locations

The number of ping locations for monitoring your website depends on your subscription plan. The available options range from 3 to 10 or more, allowing you to choose the best combination of locations for your needs. Upgrading your plan provides access to more regions, giving you better control over your monitoring strategy.

Changing Ping Locations

To change the Ping Locations for a monitor, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Monitors from the left sidebar.
  2. Select the monitor you want to modify.
  3. Under the 'Ping server locations:' section, choose the desired regions for monitoring.

If you reach the limit of Ping Locations based on your subscription plan, you will be notified. You can either remove some selected regions or upgrade your plan to select more regions.